Monday, December 28, 2009

U.S. placed under international police-state

In the dead of night on December 17, 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama placed the United States of America under the authority of the international police organization known as INTERPOL, granting the organization full immunity to operate within the United States.

According to Threatswatch:

Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425." It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.

By removing language from President Reagan's 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates - now operates - on American soil beyond the reach of our own top law enforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

What, exactly does this mean? It means that INTERPOL now has the full authority to conduct investigations and other law enforcement activities on U.S. soil, with full immunity from U.S. laws such as the Freedom of Information Act and with complete independence from oversight from the FBI.

Read more:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Guantanamo, Taxes, Terrorists and other stuff

Guantanamo: What if the only reason the terrorist's friends haven't tried to free their friends in prison is because it was in Cuba? They're not "at war" with Cuba... What if by moving the prisoners to American soil it becomes way too tempting a target? After all, if there's American collateral damage, what do they care, they'll be thrilled...

Our military does the best of the best job when it comes to keeping prisoners where they belong. What happens when we have non-military jailers?

And, we're going to mix non-terrorist prisoners in with these die-hard Jihad believing types? Guess where they get some of their best American recruits? Well, duh, Mr. President.

Democrats Jumping Ship: I wonder how many are announcing they won't run again because they see the writing on the wall regarding their chances of being re-elected, and how many are simply leaving because they can't buck their own party and they're as disgusted as the rest of us?

Health Care: We know that once they pass this mess, no matter how watered down it becomes, they'll just add stuff to it in the dark on a Saturday night. We'll never know what hit us until we can't get in to see our doctor and we have European style taxes.

2010 Elections: We better get our act together, get our butts working in concert or we're going to lose this country completely. At least if we get enough of the right people in office next year we may, may be able to staunch the flow and possibly even reverse some of the mess.

Taxes: Hold onto your wallets if you can. When they start talking about taxing the purchase of stocks (when they already tax on the other end), when they go on spending sprees that are ridiculous, they're coming for our dollars to feed their addiction.

Spending: They have no concept of what they're doing because it's just paper money. I don't mean the paper money that we carry in our wallets, I mean it's just figures on a piece of paper. It doesn't hurt when they spend because it doesn't hurt to get the money. Washington is completely out of control.

Congress: They think they know more than we do. They think they are kings and queens and that the peons out here in voter land don't have a clue about what's really going on... we're being led, we're idiots. They are just a different form of terrorist. They are the reason we broke away from England, Spain and other countries. We're back where we started, or close to it. We need to show them in the ballot box just how much power we have. Let's hope we can all pull together and act on that power in 2010 (and every special election until then).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to fight the UN Copenhagen Treaty & Cap N Trade

What Do We Need To Do?--- Invite your friends, tell your neighbors, write the blogs, and call your local media.--- On Monday December 14th 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Turn off the power and stay home. This Monday, WE MUST turn OFF the lights, UNPLUG our refrigerators, and STAY home!

For four hours, we will nonviolently protest the costly taxes Obama & the UN want for America.

For four hours, we will live as The EPA wants us to, like it’s 1885. Obama insists America needs to spend more to begin the recovery. His idea of spending, however, is to increase taxation exponentially, based on fake science. Four hours of NO consumption or production in the US will send a message to Obama & The UN:

Americans WILL NOT stand by while a handful of power-hungry officials destroy their country!
Obama & The UN are UN-American! Drastic, nonviolent movements are vital to saving our freedoms & our country! God Bless the USA!

Friday, December 4, 2009

New FTC Guidelines for Bloggers

· The Guidelines apply to Bloggers and online word-of-mouth marketers and require them to disclose any material connection to a company when reviewing the company’s products or services (failure to disclose any payment or receipt of free product from an advertiser or someone acting on their behalf could expose you to liability);

· Both advertisers and endorsers can be liable for false or unsubstantiated claims made in an endorsement (if you were given a product for free or were paid to write a review, then the claims you make about the product must be accurate and substantiated);

· Advertisements containing consumer endorsements, or testimonials, must disclose what results a reasonable consumer could expect from the product and can no longer rely on a disclaimer that “results may vary”;

The complete revised Guidelines can be found at The FTC has also posted several short videos explaining the Guidelines at

Monday, November 9, 2009

Saving history...

I've been thinking about the way things are going. I've heard tales, and run into instances myself, where information regarding the Prez vanishes from the Internet. I've gone back and edited things I've posted in blogs or on websites because I made an error. It's easy to change info on the Internet. It's easy to make paper disappear, too, although harder to change the printed word.

I am reading some books on the rise of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, etc. and I see many parallels to what seems to be happening in our country. It's more insidious here, and not so bloody. But the words, the ideas, the undermining of democratic values, the shift from private to dependence on government is all there.

Books were burned, free speech curbed or stopped, printed materials were censored and full of state propaganda.

Hopefully I'm just being wacky, way out there, nuts, but maybe we should consider printing (full page with url, dates, etc.) anything we find that may someday show history as it really happened. Maybe we should be sliding youtube videos and similar onto dvd's for later viewing and safety.

Just a thought.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

D.C. at 1 p.m., or call, call, call your Reps on Healthcare!

A message to all members of As A Mom...

The House of Representatives will be in session Saturday and maybe Sunday. This means the staffers will be in. CALL! CALL! CALL! E-mail and Fax. Ask how your reps are voting. Then either thank them or ask them to vote NO! Please go to your state groups and share what you have learned. That way we can concentrate on those who are undecided or are voting yes.

Hint: program the numbers in your cell phone and call between soccer games, birthday parties, etc.

There will be another press conference Saturday at 1 pm. This is even shorter notice than Thursdays. For those of you who can reasonably make it to DC (again) please do! Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Please share information on how the Reps are indicating how they are voting in your State groups. I have put up a list of the 21 who are on the fence. If they are one of yours please call them!

The battle is not over. Moms let's roar!
Lori, Anita, Mary M and the Admin team

Friday, September 18, 2009

Judicial Watch: Obama's Two-Faced Stance on Health Care for Illegals

Facing enormous public opposition galvanized by Rep. Joe Wilson's (R-SC) outburst, the White House initially backtracked on illegal aliens and healthcare reform. The latest Obama administration position is this: Illegal aliens will not only be ineligible to receive taxpayer funded subsidies for healthcare, now they will not even be able to purchase health insurance with their own funds in a government-created marketplace.

Here's the story according to The Associated Press:

"The White House said last week that President Barack Obama will oppose allowing illegal immigrants to buy insurance through the purchasing exchanges, including from participating private companies…Also, a system would be created to verify people buying from the exchange are in the country legally, he said."

Of course, the White House claims this was the Obama policy from the very beginning. Not true. Even Congressional Democrats were confused by the switch.

"I'm not sure if Gibbs misspoke," Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), vice chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said Tuesday.

Rep. Wilson's outburst during Obama's healthcare speech before Congress last week drew heavy and sustained criticism from the liberal press and their hypocritical allies in Congress, but it also brought attention to one of the most objectionable components of Obamacare, and this has clearly had an impact. So have the many polls indicating that the public adamantly opposes extending healthcare benefits to illegals.

In fact, according to a nationwide Pulse Opinion Research poll, 53% of liberals and progressives believe providing healthcare to undocumented aliens is a bad idea. And almost half – 46% - agree with Rep. Wilson that Obama's plan as described would provide healthcare coverage to illegal immigrants. If Obama can't even get leftist radicals to buy off on the idea, it has absolutely no shot with mainstream Americans.

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) immediately seized on the Obama administration's policy reversal, saying that he would include in his bill a provision that would bar illegals from purchasing insurance through these taxpayer-subsidized exchanges, even if illegals are willing and able to pay the full cost.

But hold on. What do you do if you are President Obama and want to give taxpayer-subsidized healthcare to illegal immigrants despite overwhelming public opposition? You make all the illegal aliens into legal immigrants by granting them amnesty! And then you throw out longstanding federal policy and give taxpayer subsidies to legal immigrants who are not citizens!

This Washington Times headline says it all: "Obama: Legalize Illegals To Get Them Health Care."

This Obama two-step on healthcare for illegals is about the worst example of presidential policy deception I've seen in my 23 years in Washington. Congressman Wilson may have been ill-mannered, but I now doubt he was inaccurate.

Make your voice heard on healthcare reform. Call your senators and congressman today. Here's the number to the Capitol Hill switchboard: 202-224-3121. To let President Obama know your views, the White House comments line is 202-456-1111. (And don't underestimate the value of letters directly from you to your representatives in Congress and to the White House.)

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life. To make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our efforts, click here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Boehner: House Passage of Defund ACORN Act “A Victory for American Taxpayer

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives voted 345-75 to pass the Defund ACORN Act:

“Today’s overwhelming bipartisan vote to stop all federal funding of ACORN is a victory for American taxpayers. Of course, it is only the beginning. We need to keep up the fight to end taxpayer funding for this troubled organization.“

House Republicans have worked tirelessly to sever ACORN’s ties to the federal government. Those efforts began to bear fruit late last week when the Census Bureau ended its relationship with ACORN under steady pressure from Republican lawmakers. Though today’s vote indicates that the writing’s on the wall for ACORN, President Obama must indicate whether he will join the Congress in taking decisive action to break all government ties with this corrupt organization.

“I’d like to applaud Oversight & Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), and Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) for the great work they and other House Republicans have done to hold ACORN accountable for its abuse of taxpayer dollars and the public trust.”

NOTE: Earlier this week, Leader Boehner introduced H.R. 3571, the Defund ACORN Act, which has now been adopted as part of H.R. 3221, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009. An analysis of federal data by the Office of the Republican Leader staff determined that ACORN has received more than $53 million in direct funding from the federal government since 1994, and has likely received substantially more indirectly through states and localities that receive federal block grants. House Republicans have also sent a letter to President Obama asking him to use his authority to end all funding to and break all government ties with ACORN.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

U.S. Senate Moves One Step Closer to Tax-Funded Abortions Within Health Care Reform

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement after the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee voted 12 - 11 today to add a provision to the Kennedy health care bill that would require abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood to be included in any health insurance network created by the bill. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) was the only Democrat to oppose the provision.

"The Senate Democratic leadership's goal of universal abortion coverage at taxpayer expense has become apparent for all to see. Today, the Senate HELP Committee moved health care 'reform' one step closer to forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions for the first time in 30 years.

"It's ironic that Senator Mikulski (D-MD) and the committee Democrats would consider taxpayer-funded abortions to be a health care benefit since the baby gets no health care benefit from abortion. President Obama and the Democrat leadership claim they want to 'reduce' abortion, but you don't reduce abortion by funding it.

"When it comes to taxpayer funding of abortion, the Senate HELP Committee is out of step with the American people who according to polls consistently oppose the practice by more than a 2 to 1 margin.

"Family Research Council will continue its campaign for a permanent prohibition on taxpayer-funded abortions, and urge that conscience rights be preserved for doctors and nurses and other health care providers who refuse to perform or facilitate abortions.

"Outside the arena of health care reform, the Democratic leadership is quietly making the depth of its pro-abortion agenda clear. In the last week alone, working in other committees, House Democrats have restored taxpayer funding of abortion in the District of Columbia and Senate Democrats have moved to make international subsidies permanent for agencies that promote and provide abortions. The piecemeal deconstruciton of the wall of separation that has protected the American people from complicity in the national and international abortion trade, through their hardearned tax dollars, is accelerating every day."

Go to for more information on FRC's campaign to stop taxpayer-funded abortions within any health care reform plan.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mr. Obama Goes Abroad Again, International Skills Still Sorely Lacking

"Islam has shaped the world for the better, including in the United States." It must be true, because Barack Hussein Obama spoke those words in Turkey today, to a large Muslim audience over Al Jazerra TV. He also said that the "U.S. is not at war with Islam and will never be." Jihadists will be so relieved to hear that. These statements were spoken the same day that Secretary Gates presented an austere military budget to Congress in the face of massive domestic expenditures to radically and rapidly provide new advantages to the "underprivileged."

MSNBC's commentator assured viewers that Obama's new view of the U.S. and its relationship to the Muslim world is being received with widespread approval and reflects the majority US view on this matter. Said commentator also pointed to Obama's great advantage in having "Muslim" relatives. Evidently, no one has explained to this pseudo-journalist that to have Muslims in your family is like being "a little bit Jewish" - which is, itself, like being a "little bit pregnant" - ie, these modifiers all describe a condition that does not exist. If you are pregnant, Jewish or Muslim, you simple are. Period. Isn't it odd that the same Presidential candidate who attacked any opponent for falsely claiming he is Muslim - or even referring to his own middle name, Hussein - now wears his affinity for the Muslim world on his sleeve for all the world to see.

That Obama indeed has a Muslim heritage is long an established fact. However, his inability to accurately assess overseas reactions to his public presentations could be a danger to us all. Witness his full depth body bow and kiss on the hand of Saudi Arabian leader below. It doesn't take a body-language expert to read those gestures. When combined with the language of his televised speech above- and insipid overlooking of North Korea's aggression toward our Japanese allies, an undeniable signal is being sent - and it is not one of strength or leadership.

Link to video of 2 bows here -

Also today, North Korea's of a missile over Japan was responded to with harsh words by Obama - but little else to back them up. As a North Korea expert on Lou Dobbs tonight pointed out, the tepid US reaction to North Korea's flagrant UN violations is perceived by their Communist government - and the leadership of their ally, China, as further signs of U.S. weakness.

While closer to home, it was announced today that, within 10 days, travel visas to Cuba will relax considerably. Bear in mind this is the same Cuba that is currently making plans for weaponry support off its coast by China, treacherously close to Florida's shoreline. Simultaneously Cuba's new Castro works closely with Chavez, who has been making plans for his dictator led country to receive similar support - off the Venezuelan coast - by none other than Russia.

It's now glaringly apparent, however unfortunate, that Joe Biden got it right in his puzzling, controversial pre-election statement. He stated that within 6 months of an Obama administration a danger to the U.S. would be posed from abroad and Americans would not be pleased with Obama's response. Lest any forget, mark his words and this post. An unconscious U.S. is now being surrounded with building military maneuvers by adversaries at the same time Obama- whether due to lack of judgment or lack of interest - signals these same adversaries that the U.S. is now humble, apologetic and ready to defer to their interests. . . . so countdown is 3 months down and less than 3 more to go.

Just days earlier, Obama assured the G20 - which offered no compliance of its own with his requests - that the US will comply with their demands for international controls to be placed on U.S. banks and related industries. This didn't seem to concern him either. Could be he was still basking in the glow of the UK Queen's gracious receipt of an ipod, loaded in advance with videos of his speeches, in case she missed some of them.

Curtsy due same Queen for her finesse in restoring her equilibrium and grace after being unexpectedly manhandled by Mrs. Obama. Faux pas in Britain, apologias elsewhere and full bows to Islam.... and Main Stream Media wags on commending how Obama is recovering a US image tainted by an inept, distant Bush. There must be some humor in this . . . at least for a few more months to the countdown on our sovereignty, economic prosperity and national security.

We can only suppose that Congress and MSNBC will appear to be appropriately surprised!

(W.A.M. Press Release)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Obama Lies-Senate Uses Sneak Attack On Guns

Press release from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms sent out via NewsMax. I'm leaving in the plea for donations, usually I'd either take 'em out or not post the release, but this info sounds pretty critical.

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama deliberately and repeatedly lied to America's 90 million gun owners across the country when he insisted that he would not try to take away anyone's firearms, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.

Now House Republicans are trying to add an amendment to the public lands "Ominous Spending" lands bill that would codify the right to carry concealed weapons in national parks, less than a week after a federal judge blocked a similar proposal.

But, Senate leaders have devised a strategy to use a bill that had already passed the House -- H.R. 146, a proposal to protect Revolutionary War battlefields -- and strip its contents, replacing it with the "Ominous Spending" lands bill. Because the House already passed H.R. 146, the Rules Committee can approve a closed rule that would block a motion to recommit, eliminating the GOP's best procedural chance to stymie the bill. The chamber would only need a simple majority vote to concur with the Senate amendment.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, reacting to the "Ominous Spending" lands bill tactic to force more gun control on U.S. citizen's said "the sneak attack on guns reveals the Democrats clear intention to outlaw guns everywhere" "Obama "has been lying to the nation when he says he will not take guns away."

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly placed an injunction on the Interior rule last week. The judge's ruling infringed on the rights of gun owners as drivers in areas such as Washington, D.C., often drive through federal park lands every day.

Rob Bishop (R-Utah) said "It's ridiculous for people to be subject to two different sets of regulations simply because their car moved a few feet," Bishop said in a statement. "The judge's decision last week was wrong."

"We warned America that Obama's 'support' for the Second Amendment was empty rhetoric," he stated, "and now his support for the "Ominous Spending" lands bill shows Obama was lying, and now gun rights may be dying."

"Right now," said Gottlieb, "I wouldn't take Obama's word if he said it rains a lot in Seattle. Apparently, law-abiding gun owners have nothing to fear unless they drive to work in Washington DC and park or drive in the wrong place."

Select Here to Reject Gun Bans and Fax to all 100 Senators and all 435 House Representatives

In order to stop Obama and his fellow Democrat gun-grabbers-we need to let the Congress know with thousands of faxes telling them to leave guns alone. Americans like you who understand what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation…and who are willing to fight to defend our Constitution and for what it stands.

So please, help the Citizens Committee and me defeat those who wish to gut and trash the United States Constitution. Help me flood the U.S. Senate and the House with the sea of FAXES big enough to drown each and every Senator and Representative willing to vote away the Second Amendment. Please, send your Donation and FAX TODAY!

Select Here to Reject Gun Bans and Fax to all 100 Senators and all 435 House Representatives

Keep calling your Senators and Congressmen today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOU'RE OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away!

CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS. DO NOT BE SILENCED – MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Senators and Representatives right away! For our projects to be successful, we must count on the voluntary financial support from individuals like you who care.

Your contribution of $20 or $25 is urgently needed today. Your donation for just $10 will help so much. If you can afford to send $50 or $100 or more it would truly be a godsend. Remember, protecting our freedom is not inexpensive. But then, it's impossible to put a price tag on freedom. Select Here NOW Send Your Most Generous CCRKBA Donation Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.

For more information about CCRKBA go to

Thank you.
I know I can count on you.
Sincerely, Alan Gottlieb
ChairmanCitizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chris Dodd’s Wife, Jackie Clegg Dood was a director at AIG

Chris Dodd’s Wife, Jackie Clegg Dood was a director at AIG…
How the cookie crumbles. So much for the transparency and accountability that Barack Obama promised. It seems Chris Dodd’s wife, Jackie Clegg Dodd was a director at AIG. RCP No wonder Senator Christopher Dodd (D-Conn) went wobbly last week when asked about his February amendment ratifying hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to executives at [...]

(Can you tell I'm going through my inbox?)

Fighting Irish lawmakers mad over Obama's honor

Several Republican lawmakers who are Notre Dame alumni are strongly criticizing the school for inviting President Obama to give a commencement speech — and for giving the him an honorary degree.

> Read More

House budget advanced on party-line vote

The House Budget Committee approved the Democratic budget resolution on a party-line vote Wednesday, sending the $3.55 trillion budget plan to the full House for consideration next week.

> Read More

Monday, March 23, 2009

CatholicVote on BHO at Notre Dame

Dear Member,

Like many of you, we received the news last Friday that President Barack Obama will deliver the commencement address at the University of Notre Dame this May.

In addition to delivering the address, the President will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree. In short, one of our nation’s premier Catholic institutions will honor the President, and hold out him as an example to its students as someone worthy of emulation!

Given President Obama’s utterly shameful record on life, how could a Catholic university honor him?

The University could have politely and quietly told the White House that their standing invitation to the President of the United States was not available this year. Better yet, they could have said that while they would welcome his contributions to the public debate over how to solve our economic crisis, his regrettable policies in favor of a culture of death make it impossible for them to welcome him.

Notre Dame has regrettably hosted pro-abortion speakers in the past, but President Obama is a champion of the abortion cause.

Sadly, it is now indisputable that our President has become the world’s leading promoter of abortion, embryo-killing cloning and research, taxpayer-funded abortion, and a vigorous opponent of conscience protections for medical professionals. His campaign promises to find ‘common ground’ have sadly been ignored, or perhaps were simply lies.

And this Administration has only just begun.

Is there anything a president could do that would disqualify him or her from delivering such a prestigious address?

If there is such a threshold, Barack Obama has not disqualified himself with Notre Dame officials.
And so we must act.

We have spoken with professors, students, and leaders at Notre Dame over the past 48 hours and have concluded that a massive protest will be practically difficult, and even counterproductive. The University has a right as a private school to prevent all protestors from entering campus, and could legally arrest those who violate this rule. Secondly, a protest could create exactly the wrong impression.

Therefore, we are recommending four courses of action.

1) has partnered with the Cardinal Newman Society, a dynamic organization dedicated to the renewal of Catholic higher education in establishing Together our aim is to collect thousands of signatures and present them to University officials. Sign the petition now.

2) Contact Notre Dame and charitably express your outrage. is large enough to have a major impact, and we urge you to contact Notre Dame President Father Jenkins at (574) 631-5000.

3) Join your fellow members in a prayer of reparation on May 17 from 2-4 PM. We encourage you to organize local groups to pray for mercy for the decision by Notre Dame, but also for our nation for continuing to permit the tragedy of abortion.

***If you live in the Midwest, or near Notre Dame University, we invite you to personally join us in prayer at the Grotto on the campus of Notre Dame from 2-4 PM on May 17, where we will be joined by several Notre Dame professors, alumni, and current students. The gathering will be a peaceful and prayerful.

4) Please forward this message to your family and friends. Let them know about Notre Dame's decision to honor the most pro-abortion President in American history. We must not remain silent over this scandal!

Brian Burch, President

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

U.S. Plan Would Send Hundreds More Civilians to Afghanistan

U.S. Plan Would Send Hundreds More Civilians to Afghanistan
Hundreds of additional U.S. diplomats and civilian officials would be deployed to Afghanistan as part of the new civil-military regional strategy that President Obama’s top national security advisers plan have prepared for his signature next week, according to administration officials.

For more information, visit

White House Declines to Explain Plan to Make Veterans Pay for War Injuries

White House Declines to Explain Plan to Make Veterans Pay for War Injuries
White House ( – White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs on Tuesday refused to "make the case for a decision that this administration hasn't made yet." Veterans’ groups and members of Congress, meanwhile, stepped up their criticism of the suggestion that the Department of Veterans Affairs might bill the private heath insurance of veterans for service-related injuries.

Obama, Hispanic Dems to huddle on immigration

By Jared Allen
Hispanic Democrats will have their first West Wing meeting with President Obama on Wednesday morning to discuss immigration reform, according to Democratic sources.

> Read More

Above from yesterday's The Hill. Would guess the huddling is all over and we're on the road to open borders given Pelosi's comments aired on Fox News this morning. Our ICE guys are thugs? the immigration policy is going to change? It's un-American to boot out law-breaking illegal aliens? This woman is third, THIRD in line for the Presidency. Obama scares me. Biden stepping in would be like an old re-run of the Three Stooges. Pelosi in power? The borders would be open all the way to Chavez' doorstep.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Michigan Tax Alert: Your state senator just proposed a tax increase!

What IS it with our fellow Republicans???? Are we trying to become obsolete? Stop already with the tax increases and big government. That said, I don't know the details on the following, the history or have any information that might justify the additional layer of government and taxes (a tax is a fee is a tax is a charge... it's money out of our pocket). It strikes me that if government workers did what they were supposed to do we could cut a lot of staff and costs. I'm going to add a bit more about that below the following alert (just in case you're only interested in the Michigan tax alert).

From Americans for Prosperity:

Bill Number: SB 45
Bill Sponsors: Sen. Patty Birkholz (R-24),
Sen. Jason Allen (R-37), Sen. John Pappageorge (R-13), Sen. Roger Kahn (R-32)

This bill creates a new government bureaucracy to oversee the ongoing inspections of septic tanks. Home and business owners would be responsible to pay the fee for these inspections. The cost of new construction would also increase as a result of the additional fee. The taxpayer would also be on the hook to pay for the newly created On-site Wastewater Treatment System Advisory Council and the Alternative System Technical Advisory Committee. Take Action! Tell your senator we don’t need another fee increase!

For more information see the Michigan Legislature Website or Michigan Votes.

Now, back to my story!

I used to work for a quasi-governmental agency. We were a strange mix of private and government. At some point in my career the company split and one half became pure government, the other completely private. I had just switched jobs and ended up on the government side.

Keep in mind I had been working for the company for ten years. I had been in numerous positions, always moving upward.

I enjoyed working and took pride in the job I did each day. We ran an efficient company and did well.

With the flick of a Presidential pen and the change of a job, all of a sudden working became something to be frowned upon. I was called into my bosses office and told to stop working so much as it made everyone else look bad. When I found a problem and worked overtime (I was salary, so no cost to government), I was told my solution was great but they didn't want me working extra hours or going above and beyond. It wasn't my "place" to take the initiative to improve things.

Requisitioning supplies was a nightmare. Everything had to be justified in triplicate, then the justification process had to be justified.

Overnight no one was responsible for anything. It was someone else's job. I would call someone in Washington with a question only to be told it wasn't their job. Period. No help on who else to call or how to find an answer unless I held them hostage on the phone. Very nice, but bored and unhelpful. The next person would often foist me off on someone else who'd shuffle me over to another person. At times I ended up with the same person I'd started with.

I started my own company, figured out a way to quit with a nice long severance and have been happily working 24/7 without the government hassles.

So, I am never, ever, in favor of more layers of government. I know first-hand how inefficient it can be. I can not say that all government employees are the same or that every agency runs as idiotically as the one I worked in. However, given my subsequent experiences with the IRS (don't get me started!) and other agencies, I'm inclined to think there are few, if any, exceptions.

One more thought - I understand that there is no incentive for government workers to be efficient. The harder and better they work, the less government employees it takes to do the job. Why should they work smarter when it could mean they lose their easy paycheck?

Whew, I love a good rant on a Monday morning. Clears the air and gets my feisty side honed!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More Liberal Dissent

They just mention Sarah Palin's name because they know it will attract attention. Cheesy, but typical. The use of Palin's name says a lot about her power, and quite a bit more about the left's need to have someone to flog.

The point is though, that here's another group who's starting to see the handwriting on the wall. Obama said whatever he needed to get elected. We saw him continually changing stripes during the election and now his true colors start to come through.

Yes, he's still way out left on the liberal measuring stick, but he has his own agenda and he's not afraid to step on anyone's toes.

As you read this op-ed, note they can't bring themselves to trash Obama completely. They have the obligatory caveats, yada yada, positive changes still afoot, yada yada. If you continue to read you'll see that this is one very unhappy wolf-loving group.

OPINION: We Expected Sarah Palin to Treat Wolves Like this, Not Obama
We knew Sarah Palin would be murder on wolves had she been elected, but we expected more of the Obama Administration and its political appointees.

While we have had some strong pronouncements for animal protection from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and there are many signs that positive changes are afoot more broadly within the Obama Administration, we’ve got our very first dose of awful news from the newly installed leaders in the executive branch.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blago Gets Six Figure Book Deal

Well, now Blago will be able to pay some of his legal bills... Do you think people are going to buy the book? I guess they will or the publisher wouldn't be handing out that kind of money. Given Blagojevich hasn't been convicted of the crimes, I can't quite put him in this category, BUT I sure wish that when some crook or sleezeball wrote a book the public would ignore it. I hate the idea that the slime in our society are able to sometimes rake in huge dollars by writing a book. Ah well, asking too much.

One this I hope this book DOES do is connect the dots between Blago, Rahm Emmanuel and the White House. Wouldn't that be a kicker? Although, if it does, and does it well, expect to start hearing rumblings about the "Fairness" Doctrine being extended to print media.

Blago Gets Six Figure Book Deal
By Don March 3, 2009
Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich signs a six figure book deal with an independent publisher.
From PR NewsChannel
Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich today signed a six figure book deal with one of the largest independent book publishers in the U.S., the PR firm representing Blagojevich announced today.

Blagojevich, who vehemently denies he tried to sell President Obama's senate seat, will write about the discussions, the considerations and the factors involved in picking Obama's successor to the U.S. Senate. Blagojevich maintains he was hijacked from office because of politics. In the book, he will write about his journey that led up to the twice-elected governor and former congressman being ousted from office. He also plans on exposing the dark side of politics that he witnessed in both the state and national level.

Justice for Victims of the Weather Underground

From the Accuracy in Media's newsletter:

Justice for Victims of the Weather Underground
By Cliff Kincaid March 3, 2009
A live version of “Forensic Files” hits Washington, D.C. on March 12, as pressure mounts for an expanded probe of Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and their alleged roles in the 1970 bombing murder of a San Francisco policeman.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Michelle Obama Accepting Fashion Freebies

For years, the press excoriated Nancy Reagan for borrowing clothes and jewelry from designers. Yet Michelle Obama has been doing the same thing — without any outcry from the media.
Accountants say that the first lady’s practice of borrowing both clothes and jewelry raises major tax and disclosure issues, not to mention ethical questions.

“The transactions are clearly taxable,” says Richard Rampell, a Palm Beach, Fla., accountant whose clients include several of the island’s billionaires.

By: Ronald Kessler

Democrat Blue Dogs Fewer in Number, But Stronger in Bite

Who are the real Blue Dogs?

The question irks leaders of the fiscally conservative coalition of House Democrats, which made solid gains in 2008 and now includes 49 members. Every one of them is sincerely committed to reducing the federal deficit, they say. Of the 49, however, only six of them voted against President Obama’s $789 billion economic stimulus package despite their stated, laser-like focus on balancing the budget. Obama’s plan, by his own acknowledgement, will increase the deficit in the short term by roughly $200 billion. (Another five Blue Dogs who had opposed Obama’s original plan switched to “yes” votes on the final version).

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sen. Bunning counting Justice Ginsburg's days

- By Reid Wilson Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ken.) warned a Kentucky GOP group Saturday that the fight over a new Supreme Court justice could come soon as Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is likely to die shortly. > Read More

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dem strategy? Where we're headed? GOP, RedState, Palin targeted...

A friend of mine, Lyn from Texas, sent this and I thought it was definitely worthy of passing along. Lyn's comments are scattered throughout the message. Once my breakfast has settled and I feel that my digestive system can handle it, I'm going to click the links and see what else Howard Dean (attributed) and friends are talking about. Be sure to check out the topic on making the Internet more Obama friendly. After reading through this I am thinking that some of these people have to just be having fun, they can't be serious, can they?

The following is not for those who are scared easily or those with a weak stomach. I have a point I will make at the end of all the garbage.

Obama continues to campaign and have group meetings throughout the country. I get information all the time about this. Want to know what is supporters think? Go to

If you want to know how to stop paying child support, they have the link for you. If you want to know about his Spread The Wealth Strategy, or his Slave Reparations, gun control... they have it covered.

Apparently, Obama wants to hear from you. How is his stimulus bill helping you, how will you spend your check? Let him know here:

And of course some let you know what they are going to do such as "i gonna buys me a whitey to work in mi marywana garden"

There is a thread just for what to do with their enemies.

Ban websites with the help of the officials:

Websites that must be banned! (brainstorm)

Alright let's get the ball rolling. We must make the internet more "Obama" friendly, there are a whole bunch of conservatard sites that criticize our president. I have been assured by Sec of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano that she will take steps to make the internet more friendly but she needs sites that should be banned. Please brainstorm here

Sincerely, Howard Dean M.D.

Get the ball rolling here are some sites <---Opposing party <---Conservatard watering hole <---See <---Ran against Obama and attacking him now. <---Sarah "Carabou Barbie" Palin's "Political Action Committee."
has a bunch of firearms sites and a ton of others.

Ideas on how to better group people based on race

As we all know, the power of the individual is great. People are much better controlled if they live with a collectivist mentality. Seeing as skin color is an easy way of grouping people (everyone has skin color!) we need to come up with better ways to nurture that collectivist spirit of racism.

We seem to be doing well here on the forums but we need to take this thing global. Once people lose their individuality they become our pawns. It's easier to push government as the solution if people have that group mentality as opposed to being individuals with their own unique thoughts.

One thing I was looking at was getting racist laws passed in Congress. Any law passed that deals with race seperates the races further. Maybe pass some laws giving one race certain privileges or punish another race. The more seperating the better.

Whatever race, let me hear your ideas.

Things are going to change I can feel it.


However, some do quote the famous:

"The white man will cower in his fear, admiration and respect. In fact, whites will become our pets." Said by Louis Farrakhan to John Moses Browning over lunch.

Then for us Texans, a special message:

We should give Texas to the messicans

Texas is full of two kinds of people. Messicans and racist white people. If you look at history, you will see that we stole Texas from the minorities a long time ago. We used it for our selfish needs and I think it's time we give it back. We are entering a new world government where all people are equal. Since BHO will be taking all the "private property" to redistribute (communism) I thought this would be a good gesture to our comrades to the south.After all, BHO will erradicate the borders soon for the NAU and you don't want our new citizens mad at us do you?

and another

think my Strong Black President should pass some laws to get the gun out of the hands of the Texas red neck and then tell the Mexicans that the place belongs to them.......the Mexicans will know how to handle the beer bellied Hillbillies then we make a deal to split the oil rescources and assets of the Texas Hillbillies that have been brought to justice with the brothers

Killing 2 birds with one stone is the kind of Politics my Strong Black President believe in.

And Whitey wont know what the fxxx hit him (word deleted lyn)

Then my favorite intelligent response from someone:

In one of his rallies, Obama stated that he had visited 57 states. If we annex Mexico, that would make 58----------- then they argue about how Texas should be handled.

and I thought we all needed to know the new vocabulary.

Vocabulary for the new age

Feel free to suggest additions to this vocab list, I'm a very busy man or else I would write it all now. The suggestions of racists, Republicans, individualists, trolls, and morons will be ignored. In the spirit of Obama grassroots go forth and share this list with friends and family once it nears completion.

government - the leading body of a nation state, instituted as a means to achieving stability and dealing with social conflict.
rights - privileges given to the citizenry in exchange for their obedience and patriotism
patriotism - believing in one's political leaders enough to make the necessary sacrifices required to meet the nation's challenges
economics - largely a pseudoscience developed as a means for capitalist lobbyists to justify oppression and selfishness
individualism - philosophical justification for selfishness
individualist - one suffering the unconscious delusion of being the center of the universe
collectivism - the political principle of making certain sacrifices for the greater good
Constitution - Written document that establishes the structure of government in Amerika. A largely outdated document, completely unsuited to deal with modern problems if it were not for the necessary and proper clause.

on Social Security:

Should social security be 4 blacks only... because of slavery

ya man i think all white people shuld have to give the black people there share of the socal securety. then well get twice as much! because of slavery, its only fair


Them keeping a list and checking it twice.

....Ok, if you see a car with a bumper sticker or anything about freedom or liberty or hatred for taxes or one of those "nobamba" bumper stickers or anything that is against the government or Obama, do what you can to mark down the license plate number. Maybe the make and model of the car, I bet we might be able to get a statistical probability based on make and model to just go after all of a certain type of car. The government will have need for such a list pretty soon.

I saw one this morning so I'll start the list:

License Plate: IM1337 - Texas
Silver Cadillac Escalade
Infraction: Ron Paul 2008 bumper sticker and a little "don't tread on me" sign....


And check out the "Obama" quote at the end of this:
Anyone overheard doubting President Obama should be immediately reported to local officials. Make the jobs of local officials easier by posting any dissent you may have overheard in the elevator from one of your coworkers, while drinking a beer at the local sports bar, or by strangers buying groceries at the grocery store, or reading Conservative books and other racist publications at the library.Remember to jot down as much information as possible about them. Height, weight, hair color, eye color, etc. Try to sneak a photograph of them with your cell phone, but be careful and don't let them see you.License plate numbers, social security information, FEMA records, criminal background checks: post it all here. Remember, in the great words of President Obama: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!"
Then the pics of how the feel about him. (She posted a pic, I'm not going to post it here)

My point to all this negativity? We have to continue to fight, His grassroots movement is not going to stop, some of them are dangerous to us and to the country, and we have to Watch Washington. The stimulus proves that things that are not good for the country will pass. Groups have got to come together in order for us to succeed. Stay with your group, but groups working together is going to be key in this mission.

W.A.M. has gotten started with a Watch Washington and Media Reform. We need to get volunteers working together in order to be ahead on all that is going on. We need a focus. We need strategy. Together we will succeed. Divided we could fail.

He has his grassroots and All the groups working together can beat them.

I do not want to imagine that he will be in the office for four years but we need to make sure that he is not in there longer.

Sarah Palin has a huge following. She does not push her views on others and she is one that represents working mothers. Some women are afraid of her but many know how hard it is to be in that category and will be there to fight for Sarah as President. We need someone who is not afraid of a fight against Obama and I think she has plenty of time to get her gameplan in order and will be the one who can handle the battle.

Defend our Freedoms Convention
May 8- May 10
Ft. Worth, Tx

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

RSC Update

If you're not already getting this, I strongly urge you to click and sign up. Once a week you get a good roundup of spending, bills winding their way through the murky D.C. corridors and more. Here's a bill that I think might be interesting to follow: Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) to introduce Healthcare Choices for Seniors Act (below).
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RSC Update: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From the Chairman
Today is a sad one for the future of our great nation, as the President has signed the terribly misguided non-stimulus package. Democrats have squandered an opportunity to address our economic problems by delivering a massive bill that is more focused on growing government than growing the economy. The country is looking for a real solution, yet the majority delivered only a borrow-and-spend bill that will prolong our economic turmoil and indebt future generations.

The legislation failed the American people on both process and policy. Ignoring their own calls for bipartisanship, Democrats completely shut out Republicans and the American people by crafting the legislation behind closed doors. In turn, the final product was a hodgepodge of pet projects and pork instead of sound economic policies.

Yet, there was one positive product of the vote last week. In a strong signal of principle and unified desire for a better approach, the legislation did not receive a single vote of House Republican support. It is important for American families to know that Republicans are on the side of economic growth and real job creation, not more borrowing and spending. And your support in fighting this misguided legislation is greatly appreciated.

Now we must set out to hold the majority and administration accountable for the generational theft they have committed by enacting this legislation. We will demand strict oversight on the disbursement of these funds and vocally inform the American people of the waste and abuse that the bill has created. This was surely a setback, but we will not let it to go without fighting back. With your continued support, we can shine a light on the ugliness of their so-called stimulus and continue to pursue real economic solutions.

Rep. Tom Price, M.D. (R-GA)
Chairman, Republican Study Committee

RSC Media Activity
Every week, Republican Study Committee members work hard to ensure that the conservative viewpoint is well-represented in all corners of the media. With unbridled federal spending once again Washington’s leading issue, Republicans have been busy spreading their message.

New York Times: Thirty Years Later, a Return to Stagflation
Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-01)
Congress has made a terrible mistake. Amid a rhetorical debate centered on words like “crisis,” “emergency” and “catastrophe,” it acted too fast. While arguments were made about the stimulus bill’s specific components — taxpayer money for condoms, new green cars and golf carts for federal bureaucrats, another round of rebate checks — its more dangerous consequences were overlooked. And now the package threatens a return to the kind of stagflation last seen in the 1970s. (Read more)

Flash Report: The Un-Stimulating Stimulus
Rep. Ed Royce (CA-40)
Under the guise of an attempt to stimulate the economy, today the Democratic leadership in the House will push through a massive increase in government spending that experts say will do little or nothing to create jobs. Unfortunately, the bill does little more than create 31 new government programs and provide additional funding for 73 existing programs while boosting pork-barrel spending. (Read more)

TownHall: Rationing Health Care Creates Jobs?
Rep. John Shadegg (AZ-03)
Every day Americans learn about another outrageous, irrelevant spending provision in Democrats’ so-called stimulus bill. There’s money for global warming. There’s money for sex education. There’s money for Amtrak. There’s money for unions. There’s money to buy new cars and office space for bureaucrats. They’re even doing golf course renovations. Who knows, maybe they’ll even fix-up my rain gutter. But here’s the bottom line: this bill has everything except economic stimulus. It’s just one big, sordid payback for Democrat special interests. (Read more)

The Hill: Cure Should Not Be Worse than the Disease
Rep. Buck McKeon (CA-25)Given the challenges facing America’s healthcare system, it seems safe to move beyond the question of whether we need reform to focus our attention on how that reform should be accomplished. Because the ‘how’ matters. If we don’t approach healthcare reform carefully, we could destroy one of the few parts of the system that actually works. (Read more)

RSC Legislative ActivityRSC members have made it a priority to introduce productive, conservative alternatives to the Democrats’ reckless agenda.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) to introduce Healthcare Choices for Seniors Act
Rep. Blackburn’s bill allows seniors to delay Medicare coverage and retain their health savings account (HSA) without penalty. To give our seniors more choice in their own healthcare, the “Healthcare Choices for Seniors Act” splits the connection between Social Security and Medicare, provides a voucher for those that opt-out of Medicare in return for their years of paying Medicare payroll taxes, and allows individuals to continue tax-free contributions to their HSA. (Read more)

Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05) Preparing Letter Urging Guantanamo Detainees Kept Off U.S. Soil
“I am writing to express my concern with the potential transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States, and to ask you to join me in a letter to President Obama urging him not to move the detainees to any location on U.S. soil…Military prisons in the U.S. also have limited capacity and resources. Transferring Guantanamo detainees to any of these facilities will significantly decrease space, resources, and attention available for domestic military and civilian criminals in an already over-crowded environment.” (Read more)

Rep. Duncan D. Hunter to introduce Military Recruitment Protection Act
Under current law, high schools receiving funds under the No Child Left Behind Act must provide military recruiters the same access to school campuses and basic contact information that is provided to colleges and universities. Schools also are required to notify parents of their right to “opt-out” by submitting a written request that contact information not be released. Since passage of the law in 2003, some school administrators and liberal activist groups have tried to deny access to military recruiters. (Read more)

House Floor Activity
The following key legislation saw a vote on the House floor this week:

The American Recovery and Investment Act (H.R. 1), also known as the Democrats’ Non-Stimulus bill, is the largest borrowing-and-spending bill in American history. The 1,100-page bill was rammed through Congress by the Democrat Majority before any member was able to read its contents – despite the $1.1 trillion overall price tag. The bill is full of handouts for Democrat pet projects and even includes a foundation for government-run health care. Rather than focusing on pro-growth, market based solutions, Democrats instead insisted upon spending a mountain of taxpayer money, sticking future generations with the debt. Seven Democrats joined a united Republican Conference in voting against the bill. Passed 246-183.

Money Monitor
Each week, the RSC Money Monitor tracks how bills passed by the House affect authorizations, mandatory spending, and federal government revenue.

Five-year cost of authorizations passed by the House this week: $540.5 million
H.R. 908 (Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Alert Program): $25.0 million
H.R. 488 (Elder Abuse Victims Act) $233.0 million
H.R. 632 (National Silver Alert Act): $70.0 million
H.R. 554 (National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments: $11.5 million
H.R. 631 (Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act: $101.0 million
H.R. 469: Produced Water Utilization Act: $100.0 million
Five-year cost of authorizations passed by the House this year: $690.8 million

Mandatory Spending
Five-year change in mandatory spending passed by the House this week: $274.4 billion
H.R. 1 (Conference Report, American Recovery and Investment Act): $274.4 billion
Five-year change in mandatory spending passed by the House this year: $333.4 billion

One-year cost of appropriations passed by the House this week:
Fiscal Year 2008: $0
Fiscal Year 2009: $288.7 billion
Fiscal Year 2010: $7.1 billion
Fiscal Year 2011: $4.6 billion
One-year coast of appropriations passed by the House this year:
Fiscal Year 2008: $0
Fiscal Year 2009: $288.7 billion
Fiscal Year 2010: $66.5 billion
Fiscal Year 2011: $4.6 billion

Five-year change in revenue passed by the House this week: -$211.8 billion
Five-year change in revenue passed by the House this year: -$171.7 billion

Stimulus Stuff

Stimulus Law Does Not Require All Americans to Enter Their Medical Records Into National System, Dems Say
( – Two top House Democrats told on Friday that a section in the $787-billion economic stimulus bill that requires the creation of “electronic health records for each person in the United States by 2014” does not mean that the medical records of every American must be included in the system. “You mean that everyone has to be in the database?” House Health Subcommittee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said when asked him if the provision was mandatory. “I don’t think so.”

‘Exceptions’ in Stimulus Bill Allow Sale of Health Records
( – It could become easier to sell and exchange the health information of Americans under the economic stimulus package that awaits President Barack Obama’s signature on Tuesday. Although the legislation says there is a “prohibition on sale of electronic health records or protected health information,” there are five pages of exceptions to the prohibition, including research, treatment of an individual, or a decision by the Secretary of Health and Human Services to wave the prohibition.

Final Stimulus Bill Totals 1,071 Pages: Includes Money for Lunch, Preschool, and ‘Summer Jobs for Youth’
( – The stimulus spending bill passed by Congress Friday contains massive new spending for free school lunches, the Head Start program, and the postponed digital television transition. The 1,071-page bill was published late Thursday evening. Some of the bill’s other provisions include: $140 million for volcano monitoring systems; $1.6 billion to the Department of Energy for undefined “Science”; and $2.5 billion to provide high-speed Internet to rural Americans.

From Congressman Tom Price, GA: Spending Bill Passes, Fight for Serious Long-Term Solutions Continues

Last week, Congress passed a massive $800 billion borrow-and-spend package, fittingly, on Friday the 13th. It was truly a sad day for those who care about fiscal responsibility. Instead of making the American people a priority, partisans in Washington made their agenda a top priority. While the country is looking for a real solution, all Congress could deliver was the largest spending bill in American history.

One of the most startling provisions of the package is one that has not received nearly enough attention – the groundwork for government-run health care. The Majority chose to use an economic crisis to advance a political agenda. Now that this legislation is in place, it is more important than ever to make sure that the patient-physician relationship is not destroyed in the name of more government intervention.

Of course, it might have been easy for some members of Congress to miss these health care provisions. After all, the bill is over 1,000 pages long, and Congress had less than 15 hours to review it. Without even a chance for any Member to read the bill, Congress passed it and handed off another trillion dollars worth of debt to our children and grandchildren. Without question, the so-called “stimulus” was poorly handled in every way – from overt partisanship to shoddy procedure to irresponsible policy.

While this mega-spending bill seriously hinders our ability to restore America’s prosperity, it is important to keep working toward serious long-term solutions. Though I know the bill is wrong, I will fight to make sure that Congress fulfills its obligation to oversee how these funds are used. Moving forward, both sides must come together to produce solutions that foster real economic growth and limit government spending, so that America may once again thrive.

From Americans for Prosperity

By the way, today when the President says this is a carefully drawn, fiscally responsible bill consider what is in the final legislation:

- Billions in outright pork and wasteful spending:
$300 million for buying cars for federal bureaucrats;
$3.7 billion for something called “green research” on military bases;
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts;
$2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization” to radical groups like ACORN;
$1.3 billion for Amtrak;
$10 million for"urban canals"(I'm not making this up); etc.

- The Road to Government Run Health Care
$1.1 billion for “comparative effectiveness research” that will establish a federal government board to begin rationing health care by having bureaucrats deciding which medical treatments will be appropriate for which Americans. (Page 52 of final conference report)

- Overturning the Historic Welfare Reform of 1996
$264 billion for direct welfare payments while overturning the historic welfare reform of 1996.The Pelos\Reid\Obama bill will reward states with federal welfare funds based on the number of people they put on their welfare rolls – a perverse incentive that will in effect give states “bonuses” for adding more people to welfare rolls AND work requirements are ignored in this legislation.

- $53.6 billion for a "state stabilization fund" otherwise known as a slush fund
This massive infusion of our tax dollars is designed to alleviate the need for genuine budget reform and cutting at the state level.

So, when you hear folks saying this Pelosi\Reid\Obama "stimulus" bill was a "compromise" that cut waste to the bone while focusing only on "shovel ready" priorities, call them on it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We don't matter

Want to know the real reason they're rushing to push the scamulus bill through so fast? Once it passes, you and I will no longer matter.

Over the next two years all the little bits and pieces in the scamulus that most of those voting for it haven't read will become reality.

By the time the next election rolls around our voices will just be meaningless chatter that no one hears. Chances are talk radio will be dead. The Unions will be another arm of government and workers will be under their thumbs. Your health care will be decided by some moron in a government office.

Think IRS on steroids and that's what we'll have running every aspect of our lives. Free speech? Sure, within the guidelines set by the bureaucrats.

We may not have a group titled "illegal" alien as they'll be voting citizens with the same rights as you and I.

ACORN will be in charge of voter registration.

I could go on and on about where we're quite possibly heading, all heralded and made possible with today's vote on the stimulus.

If you're wondering why only a few of us are yelling and screaming about what's getting ready to happen, turn off talk radio, turn off your computer, turn off Fox News and act like the majority. They get one minute of news on their favorite rock station - maybe. They listen to the mainstream media news at 5 or 6 - maybe. They read the headlines in their local newspaper - maybe.

They are busy taking the kids to school, trying not to be late to work, grocery shopping or watching American Idol.

If you're wondering why Congress is ignoring their jammed phone lines, fax machines and inboxes, it's because once this is through we won't matter. They have a goal, they have the votes thanks to three turncoat traitorous Republicans in name only and they don't need us. They know that by the time the next election rolls around, the vast majority will be on government welfare in some form. They know the voices of opposition will be muted or shut down entirely.

With the help of the mainstream media and Hollywood, our current batch of elected officials will have everything they've ever wanted.

Wait until you see how the political elite run our country. Those who are miserable now are going to look back on these days as paradise in a few years.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stop a Pro-Abortion, Anti-Parental Rights, Pornography Advocate from Going to the Justice Department!

Any day now, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the confirmation of David Ogden to become President Barack Obama's Deputy Attorney General. Mr. Ogden has built a career on representing views and companies that most Americans find repulsive. In his career he has argued against parents being notified that their 14-year old girl had an abortion, saying that "there is no qualitative . . . difference between minors . . . and adults."

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Mr. Ogden has argued that women who have had abortions suffer no detrimental consequences and instead feel "relief and happiness" after aborting their children.

Mr. Ogden has also profited from representing pornographers and in attacking legislation designed to ban child pornography. The Department of Justice should not have a porn lawyer as its Deputy Attorney General, a position tasked with making the most important decisions of the department. Now he is nominated to help enforce the very laws he has built a career upon attacking!

Please contact your Senator today!

Thank you and God bless you.

Stop a Pro-Abortion, anti-parental rights, pornography advocate from going to the Justice Department!

Tony Perkins

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stimulus Stories

Democrats Have Mixed Opinions on Borrowing Money From China to Pay for Stimulus( – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he is concerned about the fact that much of the money for the $800-billion-plus stimulus bill must be borrowed from foreign sources, including China. But another top Democrat, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), told that he doesn’t see “a problem” in the U.S. borrowing money from China for the stimulus.


Obama woos GOP sens. one at a time
By Alexander Bolton
President Obama is lobbying Republican senators personally on his economic stimulus package, which failed to attract a single GOP vote in the House. READ MORE


Senate Lacks Votes to Pass Stimulus: Democrats Trying to Trim$900 Billion Plan to Gain GOP Support (By Shailagh Murray and Paul Kane)


White House Cheat Sheet: Polling the Stimulus


NYT: Both Parties Move to Aid Homeowners


AP: Obama economic recovery plan tops $900B, could go higher if homebuyer tax break sweetened


Obama Pushes Recovery Package to Some Skeptical Senate Democrats
White House ( – President Barack Obama met with Senate Democrats at the White House Monday, as the near $900-billion economic stimulus package appeared to be less of a sure thing than it was one week ago. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) has expressed reservations about spending in the bill as too much pork, and he may not be the only member of his party with those concerns, said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).


Some relief ahead for troubled US mortgagesAs more than 5 million Americans fall behind, banks signal new willingness to reduce principal.,47vl,er,ddx2,ipox,mbr4,k497


Which stimulus is better: tax cuts or spending?Some analysts say government spending is more reliable because consumers often pocket tax breaks.,47vl,er,ea2c,gapd,mbr4,k497


McCain Circulates Stimulus Petition to Supporters By Tracey Todd
For the first time since November, former Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) sent an e-mail to his list campaign's list of supporters. His message: oppose the stimulus. VIEW NOW


Congress to Find Out Where $350 Billion in Bailout Money Went, Say Democrats( - Since Congress passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program last year, many banks that received cash infusions from the Treasury Department’s first $350 billion installment have declined to tell Congress or the American people exactly how they spent the funds. Democratic leaders in the House now say they are pressing for greater accountability.


The cheap stimulus option: Stop hyping bad economic newsIs the media reporting the recession - or worsening it?,47vl,er,aviz,3acz,mbr4,k497

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More reasons NOT to like the "stimulus" package from FRC

#TCOT - A Day Late and a Trillion Dollars Short

According to Gallup, the only thing growing faster than America's debt is popular displeasure with Obama's stimulus plan. Although a slim majority of voters approved of the idea last week (52%), confidence in the package is plunging--and fast. Today, according to the Gallup poll, only 38 percent of respondents said they support the pork and payoff bill, and most are doubtful that creating 32 new government programs will help the economy this year--if ever.

Perhaps they, like us, are concerned by President Obama's statement yesterday. "Once it's passed, you will be able to see how every penny in this plan is being spent."

By then, Mr. President, it will be too late!

For an idea of just how much this boondoggle basket will cost compared to past government expenses, Bianco Research did some number crunching. Not one of the following projects came remotely close to topping Obama's $1.1 trillion stimulus plan.

Marshall Plan: Cost: $12.7 billion (adjustment for inflation $115.3 billion)
Louisiana Purchase: Cost: $15 million (adjustment for inflation $217 billion)
Race to the Moon: Cost: $36.4 billion (adjustment for inflation $237 billion)
Korean War: Cost: $54 billion (adjustment for inflation $454 billion)
The New Deal: Cost: $32 billion (estimated), (adjustment for inflation $500 billion, approximately)
Invasion of Iraq: Cost: $551 billion (adjustment for inflation $597 billion)
Vietnam War: Cost: $111 billion (adjustment for inflation $698 billion)

A new post on the FRC Blog itemizes what a trillion dollars could buy, with help from the book What We Could Have Done with the Money.

Instead of giving tax breaks to Hollywood or sponsoring transgender beauty pageants, Congress could give every man, woman, and child in the U.S. a check for $3,400. Now that's real economic stimulus!

Additional Resources FRC Blog: What Would You Buy with a Trillion Dollars?

Ogden Gnashing, Justice Dept Nominee --- Troubling

#TCOT - President Obama is on his 15th day in office and his fourth nomination controversy. While the nation is distracted by a trio of tax scandals, other high-profile candidates are squeaking by unnoticed.

One nominee at the Justice Department, David Ogden, nominee for Deputy Attorney General, stands out.

Our research uncovered a lot of troubling details about Ogden--not the least of which is his long history of extreme anti-family views. On the issue of life, he has fought for taxpayer funding of abortion, for jailing peaceful protestors, against notifying parents whose minor children are seeking abortions, and against informing women of the emotional risks of abortion.

He's been an outspoken proponent of specials rights for homosexuals, the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and unfettered access to pornography--even in public libraries.

President Obama is considering Ogden for a top post in an agency created to enforce the same laws that he built a profitable career opposing.

Join us in sounding the alarm over his appointment. Ogden's committee hearing is Thursday, so please contact your senators today to oppose his confirmation. To read more on Mr. Ogden's dangerous positions, visit Change Watch at

Additional Resources FRC Blog: Change Watch Backgrounder: David Ogden

From daily update of Family Research Council. Be sure to sign up for your own updates!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our Military is the ONE thing that IS working in this country...

We have a fantastic military. We're at war. We have terrorists breathing down our necks (or actually, they're fitting the nooses around our necks). It is absolutely crazy for Mr. Obama to ask the military to cut spending right now.

Here's more from the P.U.M.A. article I just posted:

Incidentally, as senseless as it is to cut defense spending by $55 billion while we are at war, what is more senseless is to push for passage of a “stimulus bill” which includes $314 billion in NEW spending that has squat to do with defense or security… (Director Blue)

• $83 billion in welfare payments (the earned income credit for people who don’t pay income tax)
• $81 billion for Medicaid
• $66 billion on “education”, more than the entire Department of Education required just ten years ago
• $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
• $20 billion for food stamps
• $8 billion on “renewable energy” projects, which have a low or negative return
• $7 billion for “modernizing federal buildings and facilities”
• $6 billion on urban transit systems, dominated by unions and which, almost universally, lose money
• $2.4 billion for “carbon-capture demonstration projects”
• $2 billion for child-care subsidies
• $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that’s run in the red for 40 years
• $650 million for “digital TV conversion coupons” (on top of billions already spent)
• $600 million on new cars for government (added to the $3 billion already spent each year)
• $400 million for “global-warming research”
• $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts

Obama tells military to make 10% cut in budget

As promised, Obama intends to disarm America… Orders 10% cut in defense budget…
By PUMA Pundit • January 31, 2009
During the campaign for President, Barack Obama promised to disarm America. Now that he’s been elected, it seems he is determined to fulfil this particular promise, this is despite the fact that America’s enemies are getting ready to “try us”…

Obama Alters Labor Policies... and the future of our country

Given a choice between hiring a union worker and a non-union worker, which would you choose? What is the point in having a union these days? There is a law to protect every possible transgression that has ever been or ever will be.

What is the difference between a Union where everyone at the top hauls in big money and feathers their own nest and big business where those at the top haul in big money and feather their own nest?

The difference is that those in big business have usually worked for what they have. The Union bosses make a game of power and then do everything they can to make sure they keep their "jobs".

Unions squeeze the souls out of business and squeeze the energy from workers.

However, Obama and friends are beholden to Unions and it's payback time. Hence the badly misnamed Employee Fair Choice Act that takes away a workers right to a private ballot AND the following:

Obama Alters Labor Policies
President Obama signed a series of executive orders yesterday that he said should "level the playing field" for labor unions in their struggles with management.

Obama is doing everything in his power to kill capitalism and the future of our country.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Somebody enlighten me...

The following is a letter from Ralph Nadar to Rush Limbaugh. It sounds rather wacky to me. Is he saying that Rush should pay rent because radio goes out over airwaves and the airwaves belong to the country? Hate to be dense, but this one stumped me.

Rush is going to be on vacation all next week. I may have to wait to find out unless one of you in blogland happens to know more about this than I... which wouldn't be a high bar to reach given my total lack of understanding of how broadcasting works.

Open letter to Rush Limbaugh from Ralph Nader:

Rush Limbaugh
The Rush Limbaugh Show
2 Penn Plaza
New York, NY 10121

Dear Mr. Limbaugh,

The Associated Press reports your new contract with Premiere Radio Networks will enrich you with at least $38 million a year over the next eight years. You are making this money on the public property of the American people for which you pay no rent.

You, Rush Limbaugh, are on welfare.

As you know, the public airwaves belong to the American people. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to be our trustee in managing this property. The people are the landlords and the radio and TV stations and affiliated companies are the tenants.

The problem is that since the Radio Act of 1927 these corporate tenants have been massively more powerful in Washington, DC than the tens of millions of listeners and viewers. The result has been no payment of rent by the stations for the value of their license to broadcast. You and your company are using the public's valuable property for free. This freeloading on the backs of the American people is called corporate welfare.

It is way past due for the super-rich capitalist -- Rush Limbaugh from Cape Girardeau, Missouri -- to get himself off big time welfare. It is way past due for Rush Limbaugh as the Kingboy of corporatist radio to set a capitalist example for his peers and pay rent to the American people for the very lucrative use of their property.

You need not wait for the broadcast industry-indentured FCC and Congress to do the right thing. You can lead by paying a voluntary rent -- determined by a reputable appraisal organization -- for the time you use on the hundreds of stations that carry your words each weekday.

Payment of rent for the use of public airwaves owned by the American people is the conservative position. Real conservatives oppose corporate welfare. Real corporatists feed voraciously from hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate welfare gushing out of Washington, DC yearly.

Whose side are you on? Freeloading? Or paying rent for the public property you have been using free for many years?

I look forward to your response.

Sincerely yours,

Ralph Nader
PO Box 19312
Washington, DC 20036

Thursday, January 29, 2009

$246 Million to Hollywood, $5.2 Billion to ACORN...

The only thing that's being stimulated as a result of this bill is the Democratic party. It's nothing but payback and pay-offs to ensure they hold onto power. The tide of public opinion is turning as more and more of the pork and special interest inclusions are coming to light.

Obama Giving ACORN $5.2 Billion in Stimulus Funds
A rising chorus of GOP leaders are protesting that the blockbuster Democratic stimulus package would provide up to a whopping $5.2 billion for ACORN, the left-leaning nonprofit group under federal investigation for massive voter fraud.
Read the Full Story -- Go Here Now

Tea Party Time

It's Time

It is time for We The People to send a strong message to Washington DC - no more.

No more loading our children and grandchildren with debt.

No more bailing out speculators and bankers who made bets they knew were unsafe at the time.

No more bailing out people who came to Congress to demand the removal of leverage limits, got what they asked for, then blew themselves up with the very leverage they demanded to be able to use.

No more.

Therefore, on February 1st, which is more than enough time for Barack Obama to be seated in his chair in the West Wing, I am recommending an act of peaceful, lawful and yet unmistakable protest. That is, to mail President Obama one teabag.

Nothing dangerous, nothing illegal - just one teabag.

Send one to your Congressman and one to each Senator.
(If you don't feel comfortable sending an actual tea bag then print one off and send it.)

Source: Denninger, Karl
Market Ticker "Tea Party February 1st?"


How to contact President Obama Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

How to contact your Representative

How to contact your Senator