Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gold Star Mom: Obama Disingenous in Taking Credit for Iraq Success

President praises troops for winning, but fails to admit he was wrong about war strategy

Gold Star Mother and Move America Forward Spokesperson Debbie Lee, whose son Marc Alan Lee was the first US Navy SEAL to be killed in the war in Iraq, had this to say in response to President Barack Obama’s Oval Office speech on Iraq. Obama's 20 minute address was delivered last night to the 1.5 million heroes who served in Iraq, their families, and millions of Americans across the country, Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop organization, issued the following statement:

Veterans and military families were shocked and appalled at the blatant manner in which President Barack Obama took credit for success in Iraq in his oval office address last night. Obama boldly tried to take credit by stating it was his policies that resulted in the ending of hostilities in Iraq and the pullout of combat troops.

In reality, the phased drawdown of troops and equipment and transfer of security to Iraqi forces began well before Obama took office. The troop drawdown and transfer of authority to the Iraqi government began long before Obama was even elected president. In July of 2008 there were already 10 Iraqi provinces that had been transferred to Iraqi responsibility, and on September 1st, 2008, Anbar province, once one of the most dangerous places in the country, was stabilized enough to be transferred over to Iraqi security forces. On December 31, 2008, President Bush signed a “Status of Forces Agreement” with the Iraqi government that eventually led to the pullout of troops from Iraqi cities and set a deadline for eventually removing all U.S. troops from the country by 2011. President Obama and his administration had nothing to do with any of these factors, so his claim that these were his campaign promises is an outright fabr ication.

All of our troops deserve credit for their service. Without them, the war would not have been won and our troops, collectively deserve the most credit for success in Iraq. But the one individual singly most responsible for the victory in Iraq, President Bush, was mentioned only briefly by President Obama, but was never given credit for leading the country through the darkest months of the war, until eventually a new day dawned on Iraq and the United States of America.

President Bush deserves credit for standing by our troops when politicians like Obama were calling for retreat, cut-and-run, and defeat. Even as security gains in Iraq were becoming apparent, our current President Obama, then a senator, said, “President Bush [said] that the Surge is working, when we know that’s just not true.” Vice President Joe Biden foolishly added, “This whole notion that the surge is working is fantasy.”

It is now obvious that the surge did accomplish something: victory in Iraq. We know now that all these statements made by Obama and his friends on the left were dead wrong, yet Obama doesn’t dare admit that he and many of his cohorts on the left were wrong about Iraq.

The audacity of Obama’s shameful perspective on the war expressed in his oval office speech could not be more crystallized by his ironic telling of the story of the Army’s 4th Stryker Brigade, which Obama described in his closing words as “just a convoy of brave Americans, making their way home. This time, no shots were fired,” he said.

If America had taken Obama’s cut-and-run advice, the Army’s 4th Stryker Brigade would have left Iraq in utter retreat, being chased out by shots fired from Kalashnikovs and RPGs the whole way. Thanks to the leadership of President Bush, that shameful scene was never realized, and those troops can now come home proud of their victory.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Growing Chorus of Experts Call on Congress to Block Democrats’ 2011 Tax Hikes

This week, a wide array of economists joined Congressional Republicans in calling on Democrats to prevent their planned massive tax hike:

Mark Zandi, Moody’s Chief Economist, who is often called upon by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats for economic guidance, advised that “I would not allow those tax increases to take hold on January 1st either.”

James Bullard, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, warned “Increasing taxes while you’re trying to get the economy to recover is not a good plan.”

Experts at Deutsche Bank announced that failing to prevent the looming tax hikes would halt any economic recovery. These experts specifically noted that failing to block all the tax hikes would reduce GDP growth by over 1 percent.

Economists at Barclays Capital estimated that failing to block the pending tax hikes would cause the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to decline by almost 9%.

These economists are echoing the analysis by Dr. Christina Romer, President Obama’s chief economist, whose research found that tax hikes “have a very large, sustained, and highly significant negative impact on output.”

At a time when economic growth remains stagnant and the unemployment rate hovers around 10 percent, these experts recognize that the Democrats’ planned massive tax hike would cripple the economy and destroy jobs.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Hoyer: House ready to move forward without a deal on abortion

House Democrats are ready to "forge ahead" on healthcare without a deal on abortion, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Friday.

Read more:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Boehner says:

‘Both Parties Are Guilty,’ Boehner Says at CPAC ( – At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) pledged that Americans can count on him to change the way Congress works if Republicans take the House in the coming elections. He also stressed that he is “serious” about listening to “those who are really in charge of this country: the American people.”...